Photo of Career Connections students at Pittsburgh Opera headquarters

Photo by David Bachman

Pittsburgh Opera offers a unique program each fall and spring for up to fifteen
high school students in grades 10–12 who may be considering a career in the
performing arts or are interested in learning more about opera from behind the
scenes. During four half-day sessions, students learn about all Pittsburgh Opera
departments, observe coaching sessions, and explore an academic project. In
addition, students may choose to attend rehearsals and other events.

Application forms include an information form, a parental release form, a school
administrator absence release form, and a contract for the student to complete.
There is an enrollment fee of $50 per student.

For more information or to request an application packet, contact Marilyn Michalka Egan, Ph.D., Director of Education, or call her at 412-281-0912 ext. 242. 

What High School Career Connections students say:
• "I really benefited from the information the Resident Artists shared with us
about college, auditions, and making a living in the opera world."
• "I loved the whole experience! It feels so good to be surrounded by people
who appreciate the art of opera as much as I do! It isn't that easy to find a
place or program like this!"
• “I have definitely improved and am confident that I am ready for college.”